Frankfurt, October 31, 2023 - Our portfolio company Cellbricks GmbH was awarded the prestigious "Mittelstandspreis der Medien 2023" in the "Pioneers" category. The award ceremony took place in the iconic ambience of the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt am Main and honored outstanding achievements of medium-sized companies in Germany that actively contribute to strengthening and renewing the business landscape.

Julia Klöckner, economic policy spokesperson for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, paid tribute to Cellbricks in her laudatory speech: "Pioneers are not just entrepreneurs, they are also visionaries. Among other things, because they solve problems that we don't even know are there yet." She emphasized the courage and the innovative and visionary approach of Cellbricks in tackling one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Cellbricks' 3D bioprinting technology has the potential to revolutionize medicine and significantly improve the availability of organ replacements.

As an investor, we are proud that Cellbricks has received this important award. Their innovative approach and visionary solutions are helping to drive forward pioneering technologies. We congratulate Cellbricks on this well-deserved success and look forward to their further ground-breaking developments.

Further information: LinkedIn post - Cellbricks

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